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T-manager Coach Amateur

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it you will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe.

T-manager Coach Semiprofesional

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it you will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe.

T-manager Coach Elite

If you need a tailor-made digital tactical board, T-Manager is your solution. T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines (football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football) and 100% customisable to your needs (whatever you can think of, we make it possible). With it you will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe.

T-manager Team Amateur

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it, you and all your coaching staff will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe, working together or remotely, sharing what each of you have done.

T-manager Team Semiprofesional

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it, you and all your coaching staff will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe, working together or remotely, sharing what each of you have done.

T-manager Team Elite

If you need a tailor-made digital tactical board, T-Manager is your solution. T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines (football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football) and 100% customisable to your needs (whatever you can think of, we make it possible). With it, you and all your coaching staff will be able to design, plan and explain to your team any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe, working together or remotely, sharing what each of you have done.

T-manager Club Amateur

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it you will be able to design, plan and explain to your teams any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe and share the work done among all your teams and coaches.

T-manager Club Semiprofessional

T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines: football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football. With it you will be able to design, plan and explain to your teams any play and training strategy of your own or of the Kimet Universe and share the work done among all your teams and coaches.

T-manager Club Elite

If your club needs a bespoke digital tactical board, T-Manager is the solution. T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines (football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football) and 100% customisable to your needs (whatever you can think of, we make it possible). With it you will be able to share the work done among all your teams and coaches.

T-manager Other Entities

If your organization needs a customized digital tactical board, T-Manager is the solution. T-Manager is a digital tactical board in web and mobile application (Google Play and Apple Store) for training and game strategies adapted to eleven different sports disciplines (football, futsal, beach football, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, handball, volleyball, rugby and American football) and 100% customisable to your needs (whatever you can think of, we make it possible). Tell us your idea and we will make it come true.

Create video

Transform all your animations to video format and port them from any video player.

Visualización digital deportiva

T-Manager es una aplicación web y móvil (Google Play y Apple Store) pizarra táctica para entrenamientos y estrategias de juego adaptada a once disciplinas deportivas diferentes. Con ella podrás diseñar, plantear y explicar a tu equipo cualquier jugada y estrategia de entrenamiento propio o del Universo Kimet.

T-Manager es la aplicación que te permite plasmar y visualizar de forma digital todas las tareas planificadas de tu sesión de entrenamiento de fútbol, fútbol sala, fútbol playa, baloncesto, balonmano, hockey hierba, hockey hielo, pelota mano, voleyball, rugby y fútbol americano..
Es una pizarra digital táctica donde podrás diseñar ejercicios de entrenamiento, jugadas y estrategias en todos los escenarios posibles del terreno de juego.

Leer más

Su entono digital permite compartir online y offline las ilustraciones, vídeos y gráficos animados con todo el equipo técnico e incluso con cada jugador. También lo podrás usar como apoyo en concentraciones o charlas de vestuario.

Con T-Manager Fútbol podrás tener acceso a todo el Universo Kimet con los más de 1.200 ejercicios y sesiones de entrenamientos propios del Método Kimet adaptados a todos los niveles y categorías deportivas. Además, podrás añadir y diseñar tus propios ejercicios, creando sesiones programadas en tu calendario deportivo. T-Manager App es compatible para IOS y Android.

Aplicaciones web y móvil

Aplicación web y móvil (Google Play y Apple Store) pizarra táctica digital para entrenamientos y estrategias de juego.

11 deportes

Adaptada a once disciplinas deportivas diferentes: fútbol, pelota mano, fútbol sala, baloncesto, balonmano, rugby, fútbol playa, hockey hierba, hockey hielo, voleibol y fútbol americano.

Gráficos, animaciones y vídeos

Pizarra digital táctica donde podrás diseñar ejercicios de entrenamiento, jugadas y estrategias en todos los escenarios posibles del terreno de juego.


Podrás tener acceso a los más de 1.200 ejercicios y sesiones de entrenamientos propios del Método Kimet.

Método Kimet

Con T-Manager Fútbol podrás tener acceso a todo el Universo Kimet.

On-line y Off-line

Su entono digital permite compartir on-line y off-line las ilustraciones, vídeos y gráficos animados con todo el equipo técnico e incluso con cada jugador.

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